Are you living the life you envisioned back when you were younger?

I actually was. I finished high school, attended college, went to graduate school and started working in the profession that I wanted. Sounds awesome, right? I mean, it was everything I had been taught to do and had been working toward my entire young adult life. Go to college, get a job, go to work everyday, pay the bills, be happy. Unfortunately, I was not happy. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE doing what I do! I am so happy I chose a profession in the healthcare industry, becoming a Physical Therapist, and working with the geriatric population. It is something I'm good at. However, once I started having kids, I felt that pull of wanting to be home with them more and having the freedom to go to class parties or an impromptu play date without having to ask for time off.

I still remember after having my first baby, we could only afford for me to take off 9 weeks, and I was NOT ready to leave my baby girl with someone else. But what could I do? I dropped her off at her caregivers home and cried all the way to work. And of course, I had a full schedule of patients with no wiggle room to leave early.  I felt overwhelmed, inadequate, and just a complete mess! I cried every day for 2 weeks after dropping her off because it was breaking my heart to leave her. But I had to pay my mortgage. I had to pay for my massive student loan debt that I accumulated to get my undergraduate and Masters degrees. I was STUCK and I didn't know how to change my situation without working more hours . But at the time, I just accepted that this was life.  This is normal. This is what everyone has to do.


The Journey Begins

Then I received a Facebook message from a classmate from PT school, talking about an opportunity she had come across. She asked me to consider joining her network marketing company and become a business partner. Honestly, I initially wasn't super excited about it. Just like many of you, I had a lot of perceived misconceptions about network marketing....I'm not a salesperson, I don't have the time, you can't really make a lot of money, etc. But when I heard her story of how she was able to cut back her PT hours and have more time with her kids, my interest peaked. I mean, I actually know her and she was having success in a very short time! If she can do it, why can't I? So, I jumped in.

Initially, I did do well. I made a lot of sales and had signed on a business partner pretty early on. I was excited! But then, that business partner quit and it just took the wind out of my sails. I was discouraged and it affected my consistent daily effort. I took a break....a long break. And then I would work my business a few days and then not. I couldn't understand why I wasn't having massive success, even though I wasn't putting in the consistent effort to grow my business.  I started to think that this just wasn't meant for me.  I never dreamed I was actually sabotaging myself.


Seeing the Potential!

Then....a Breakthrough. As I was scrolling through Facebook, I came across an ad that caught my eye. Usually, I don't click on these type of things but I was actually in a 'I'm ready for my business to grow' mode so I clicked it. This very small action changed the trajectory of my business. I listened to this marketing expert and things just started to click for me.  I started listening to more training videos from different experts and it helped shape my thought process of how to run a virtual business. I will say though, I had to be in the right mindset to hear the life-changing information that came across that first training webinar.


Why Network Marketing?

What I love about having a virtual business, is that you can run your business from anywhere in the world wherever there is WiFi, from your phone or laptop!  Don't tell me that's not Time Freedom at its finest! And the Financial Freedom comes when you do the work once and continue to receive residual income for months and years to come! This really comes in handy if you do not have an emergency fund, which I experienced first-hand.  One of the PT companies I was working for a few years ago went bankrupt and I was not paid for an entire month of work that I had already done! This was right before Christmas and I did not have a buffer....except for my residual income that came from my network marketing company! It was such a relief to have that pop up in my bank account when I was frantically trying to figure out my next move. And when I have to take time off from work because my kids are sick or I am on vacation, money is still coming into my bank account from my network marketing business!  Life can be so unpredictable that you NEED to have safety nets so you don't end up in a crisis situation.  Why weren't we taught this in school? I mean, it's genius right?

Anyone can do this network marketing business....IF you have the right mindset that anything is possible and that you're willing to work hard for a short time to live the the life you want for a LONG time! One of the books I've read that has helped me with my mindset is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I highly recommend it! I was doing this business for YEARS before I fully understood the Absolute Need of having the right mindset and putting in consistent effort. I would love to help you bypass the years of mediocrity that I had to go through so you can start Living Life On Your Terms!

Thank you for spending some time with me and I look forward to getting to know you better!