My Personal Business Tools

As I started looking online for tools to help me build my business better and faster, I realized there are A LOT of different courses, offers, and tools out there on internet land! It was very overwhelming, but I came across some amazing resources that has helped me work smarter, not harder. It's important to invest in yourself to help you achieve the results you want! Below are some of the tools I use for both my business and my personal growth and health.

Please note: Some of the Tools below have my affiliate link attached and I may earn a small commission, at no extra charge to you, of course.  I share these tools with you because I use them daily for my business and they have been tremendously helpful to me.  I would not be where I am today without these resources and I want to give you the same opportunity to utilize these amazing products!

The Ultimate Branding Blueprint

If you have ever wanted to build your own blog, but had no idea where to start, THIS is the course for you!  This is a Step by Step series that teaches you how to build an Online Brand, Blog, and Sales Funnel that brings prospects to your site 24/7 on Autopilot! This course is easy to follow and guides you through each step meticulously...even for us less-than-savvy tech people! And if you have any questions at all, the support staff is amazing and follows up with you quickly.

Athletic Greens

When you're working, taking care of your family, and just living life, you need to first take care of YOU! Adding this Premium Superfood Cocktail to my Morning regimen has been a game changer for my overall health! Just mix 1 scoop of powder into a 20 oz shaker with ice and water and drink up! This natural supplement has kept me protected from the viruses that have been going around this season. And when I am a little under the weather, I take this twice a day to boost my immunity. Plus, it's a Green powder that actually tastes great! This is a quick, simple, and healthy way to keep you going in your busy life.

Unlimited Fan Page Profits

This is one of the first courses that I completed in my journey to building my business online.  This course will help you develop and design a professional Business Facebook Page that will help your followers understand your brand and deliver valuable content to the millions on Facebook. The step-by-step, easy to follow videos makes it easy to build your business online in a short time frame. And the amazing support staff gets back to your questions quickly.

The Miracle Morning

This book has literally changed my life!  I was struggling with getting everything that needed to get done day to day and had neared the end of my rope.  Then a friend suggested this book and I took action right away.  And believe me, I am NO morning person, but when our mindset changes, we can do anything!  I recommend this book to everyone!  It is that good!

Think and Grow Rich

This is a must-read for anyone that wants to change the trajectory of their life.  This book references all the great influencers of our time and shows how you can literally change the world with an idea and the hunger to succeed no matter the obstacle!